Create Your Signature Coaching Container - A 'Done For You'
4 Week Coaching Container Framework Training

 Like most coaches, your toolkit is probably overflowing with different modalities, techniques, and processes that may leave you wondering how to weave them all into a coaching program that is simple to understand, easy to sell, and highly irresistible to your ideal client.

We’ve got you!

'The Shift' offers the solution—a 'Done For You' Coaching Framework Training that takes the complexity out of program creation. It’s been tailor-made for coaches wanting to distil all their qualifications and expertise into a magnetic ‘signature’ coaching program.

It’s not just any training; it's your backstage pass to crafting a signature coaching container that you can begin filling immediately – think ROI happy dance (return on investment)!

Participants will be led by globally accredited Trainers and Master Coaches of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and Time Line Therapy®️, Allie May and Jennifer Forster, who are going to show you how to bring authority and expertise to your coaching.

Allie and Jen are ‘architects of transformation’, and they've got the blueprint to turn your qualifications into a marketable masterpiece.

So, buckle up, coaches, because 'The Shift' is your ticket to transforming your coaching game.

Ready for 'The Shift'?"

So what’s inside?
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Module 1: "Start with the End in Mind"

 In Module One, the focus is on starting with the end in mind. Participants will discover the tools to set the agreements of their coaching container, establish clear boundaries, and outline achievable outcomes. Coaches will explore the essential components that create a rock-solid foundation for their coaching relationship. From establishing rapport to setting expectations, this module lays the groundwork for a transformative coaching experience, ensuring both coach and client feel supported and guided from the very beginning. 
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Module 2: "Crafting a Solid First Session"

 Module Two is a deep dive into crafting a solid first session. In this module you’ll receive a framework that will guide your client out of the story about their problem (surface structure) so they can get crystal clear on the problem itself (deep structure). Discover the questions that will take you into the caverns of your clients mind, learn about a framework for exacting specific growth areas, as well as how to set ‘home play’. Your client will leave this session excited and accountable for the remainder of the coaching experience. 
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Module 3: "Unleashing Your Zone of Genius in Weeks 2 and 3"

 In Module Three, Allie and Jen shift the spotlight to the coaches and their zone of genius. Regardless of your preferred training modalities (ours are NLP and Time Line Therapy®), Weeks 2 and 3 are where the coach’s expertise takes centre stage. Participants will be guided through how to utilise their specific interventions to spark epic breakthroughs (don’t worry if you aren’t sure what these may be for you – we have got you covered!). 
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Module 4: "Powerful Closure and Next Steps in Week 4"

 As coaches reach the grand finale in Module Four, Allie and Jen share the secrets of a powerful closure for their coaching container. Whether crafting a robust action plan or scaling into longer-term coaching sessions, this video is a roadmap to concluding the coaching program with impact, outcomes and epic results. 
 Enroll in 'THE SHIFT' now!
The total, one time investment is $297 USD and includes:

Access to four video modules – do at your own pace

Downloadable PDFs including a comprehensive coaching questions guide filled with 30+ coaching questions.

Lifetime access to 'THE SHIFT' training program.

Did someone say guarantee…

At this point, you may be looking for a guarantee - and
if that's the case, this is not the program for you. 

Don't be fooled here, we absolutely guarantee this program and the principles it teaches. However, we cannot guarantee that every human will do what it takes to apply them. Here's what we do know - you ARE NOT that person.
We're throwing traditional guarantees out the window because we're not here to play it safe. Instead, we're here to invite you to step into your coaching greatness and create and implement your signature coaching program with THE SHIFT. 

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Here’s a recap

 Gain clarity, structure, and confidence to create your signature coaching program.

Elevate your coaching game and achieve an instant return on investment.

Receive lifetime access to 'The Shift' training program and a comprehensive coaching questions guide.

Here’s what coaches are saying...

 “Loved this training. Gave excellent and practical ways to use our coaching skills that would give our clients a brilliant result. Loved having a framework. A coaching business in a box without having to spend months and months training as a coach. It was immediately useful.”

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 “This 4 Week coaching container training allowed me to utilise the skills I already had, adapt and make the most of a set model, and within a month of utilising it, I have secured exchanges and agreements from clients meaning my investment was all but "free"!” 
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 When I first started my coaching journey, I found myself uncertain about the process of structuring a program. However, thanks to the comprehensive guidance and support provided by Allie and Jen through their tailored 4-week coaching container, I have gained the confidence and skills necessary to develop my own program.

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"I loved the four week coaching container. It really helped me out with confidence and structure to start my Coaching business."

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 "The Shift is amazing! I wasn’t even a coach in any way, but the way this course is structured shows me how I can be a coach now. I even find massive value in applying parts of the coaching course to chats with friends!" 
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 "I loved The Shift! It helped make a clear and easy step by step process to follow that created opportunities to gain authentic clients and for my business to grow."

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About Jen & Allie

Jen Forster
Jen is an NLP Trainer, Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, & Hypnotherapy and Co-Host of the Inside The Mind Podcast. She is here to show you how to harness the language of your mind to consistently achieve whatever you want more of in your life. Combining science-based neuro-linguistic processes with ancient wisdom, Jen is masterful at observing, identifying and clearing negative emotions, limiting beliefs and ineffective patterns of behaviour so you can take charge of your mind and therefore, your results.

Jen is also a successful entrepreneur, the author of The Power of a Peaceful Woman, holds a master’s in business, has pioneered change for women abroad, and has succeeded as an elite sportsperson.

And at the heart of the matter, Jen’s a storyteller, funny AF (just ask her!), Projector in Human Design, Taurus with a splash of Sag rising, would draw weapons at dawn over a box of kittens, is a coffee connoisseur (almond with an extra shot thanks), tree hugger, and outspoken introvert who loves to wander the world.

 Allie May 
 Allie May is an NLP, Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnotherapy Trainer, and Co-Host of the Inside The Mind Podcast. She is passionate about supporting women to create inner freedom AND wealth freedom so that they can truly live a full body f*ck yes life.

Allie is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who has spoken on many stages and coached and mentored thousands of people around the globe. She is the founder of the global movement Goddess Day and loves to inspire women to be their most extraordinary, authentic selves.

She is the OG Goddess, a straight talker, barefoot business queen, possum mumma and creature lover, Generator, Saggi, salt, sand and sun worshiper who loves to sip tea and GGAF about the world and the people in her life. 
Signature Training

Your backstage pass to crafting a signature coaching container that you can begin filling immediately

Training: The Shift

A 'Done For You' 4 Week Coaching Container Framework Training"
One time investment of $297 USD
Want To Find Out If The Shift Is Right For You?

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