to live a truly FREE AND BEAUTIFUL life
 Hi there extraordinary human. Welcome to our online playground for Coaches and Online Business Owners who have a grounded yet spiritual inclination and choose a world where their business fits into their life - not the other way round. This is the central part of our vortex and we are so happy you are here.

ps. we'll kick you in the butt if you are mean in our playground [with love of course] xx 
Signature Online Program

Access The Space Between Your
Comfort And Pleasure Zone

Online Training: The Edge

9 Principles For Becoming A More Effective Human, Coach and Leader
Signature Online Training

Your backstage pass to crafting a signature coaching program that you can begin selling immediately

Online Training: The Shift

A 'Done For You' 4 Week Coaching Framework Training"

Inside the mind of Jen and Allie

Inside The Mind - The Podcast

‘Make Your Own Damn Rules’ is not just another episode. It's our 50th and we’re celebrating!

Join hosts Allie May and Jennifer Forster as they dig into the nitty-gritty of the principles that shape and guide their lives in the form of three key pillars:  Personal Evolution, Inner Wisdom, and (of course as the title suggests) Making Your Own Rules.

No fluff, just real talk about the ‘Inside The Mind’ evolution from podcast inception to a fully established training company and brand.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Hi there extraordinary human ❤︎

Welcome to the INSIDE THE MIND HUB.

THE group for Leaders, Coaches and Business Owners who have a spiritual inclination and want to live a lifestyle where their business fits into their life - not the other way round.

This is the central part of our vortex and we are so happy you are here.

Join the group and go check out the pinned video for all of the finer details.

Big love always
A&J xx

Don't just take our word for it...

 I went to bed last night and had THE best sleep I have had in a long time, I have woken up feeling clear and unstuck.

Heading into the weekend workshop, I had no idea what to expect, I just knew that I needed to do it.

I was feeling incredibly stuck in a lot of areas of my life, after the weekend I feel I have a new perspective and skill set to be able to move forward. I am for the first time in a very long time feeling the need / want to do things that light me up, and instead of the standard story of I don’t have time for this I am doing it!

It was such an amazing experience to be a part of, to not only see my own shifts but those of everyone in the room.

Allie and Jen you are truly amazing and beautiful souls! I feel very grateful that I was able to experience the weekend with both of you and everyone in the room xx

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 THANK YOU, UNIVERSE, for giving me exactly what I needed when I was ready to receive it.
The call to level up has been whispered in my ear for far too long, and the past two magical days have been the much-needed catalyst to step out of my bullshit and into the light.

Allie and Jen… you each demonstrated an unwavering capacity to hold sacred space for all of us as we undertook massive shifts, and I can’t remember a recent time when I’ve personally felt so safe and comfortable just being me. Thank you both for seeing and hearing me and for sharing the tools and wisdom I now have to draw on.

Of course, doing “the work” is challenging, at times confronting and raw, and to be truthful, I can’t wait to jump into bed tonight. Is that because I’m exhausted??? Nope, it’s because the sooner I get to sleep tonight, the sooner I wake up tomorrow and get started on my FUCK YEAH future. Epic times are ahead and my gratitude is boundless.


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 I thought I knew stuff, and I do. But when some big patterns kept arising for me, I knew I had to, got to, shake things up!

I got even more clarity. I gained even more skills. I made a commitment to continue to decide to take creationary responsibility for MY part in creating MY life.

It stirred stuff up alright! Tears driving back to airport, a lil rage thrown in, all as I felt what was coming up to be seen, the “enough is enough” and the “fuck this shit” and these stories and giving my power to other people who are clearly not a “fuck yes” in my life yet who up til now, I remained attached to fuel and validate my victimhood, not shift it!

Powerful reminders to reclaim my power and become observant to all the evidence that surrounds me that I am love, loved, loving, abundant and worthy of ALL THE THINGS and to practice and play with these new beliefs!

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 What a mind-blowing weekend!! I have been following Allie and Jen’s podcast ‘Inside the Mind’ so I arrived with curiosity and an open mind, but not really an understanding of what it would entail.

I just wanted to be in the energy of these two inspiring women and hear what they had to share.

I am still processing - I went to places I haven’t been before in my inner Pandora’s box and I discovered, challenged and expanded on a deeply personal level.

I witnessed core limiting beliefs being released, breakthroughs & transformations in so many beautiful souls.

A life changing weekend held in so much love and kindness.

I’m so grateful, thank you Allie May & Jennifer Forster

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